Who Is In Control Of Your Joy?
Should they choose to depart from your life, by all means let them. Once upon a time they may have shared in or been partially responsible for your happiness, however, when they first came into your life, they didn't arrive with your joy, they didn't assign it to you, therefore, they can't take it from you, so don't allow them to leave with it. And for what it's worth, stop allowing people to steal from you what they never should have access to replace. And if you didn't have joy before they found you, then you never possessed real joy in the first place and need to learn how to attain it on your own. Say farewell to and be grateful for those life bullets that you dodged and get back to being your own joyful self or embark on a solo journey to find you. It has taken me a damn near lifetime of depression to learn that Satan wanted nothing more than for me to stay depressed. Joy is a God-given birthright. And between the two; God/Satan, who is the stronger? W...