The Harsh Reality Human of Trafficking

My girlfriends keep telling me to start a relationship advise blog I am with WAY more to talk about than love (deep breath), my heart is racing and I'm trying to figure out what I'm afraid of. I can say whatever I wanna say (see how I just said wanna?), my punctuation can remain organic, and there's no one editing my words into a new meaning. I have total control and maybe that's what I'm afraid of; taking control of my own destiny, afraid of being honest, of being judged; feelings that still linger years & years after being bullied in elementary & H.S. I know how it feels not to "fit in". And after thinking about it, being a bully myself a couple of times due to my powerlessness. Lastly, I'm a little scared and a lot concerned about some of the urgent issues going on with our environment, and most importantly the future of our young people. I remember how hard it was for me growing up, going through peer pressure, puberty, feeling not "good, smart, or pretty enough", the world is so much harsher now and there are so many unfathomable atrocities suffered by children. Every other time I turn on the news I hear about another girl being abducted; another child being abused. I'm tired of being a spectator.
With school just beginning I'm hoping I can help someone by relaying my experiences and by bringing awareness and encouragement.

So here I find myself typing away, allowing my heart and mind (mostly heart) to lead the way, hoping my fingers can keep up on the keyboard.
I also pray for continued enlightenment on how I can do more to help. Hopefully this blog will be the vessel that leads to me to my higher calling and to a job related to my passion which is activist journalism.

What's at the forefront of my mind is the astounding number of young people committing suicide. The stats are vomit worthy.

How pervasive is the problem of youth suicide?

Nearly 1 in 6 high school students has seriously considered suicide, and 1 in 12 has attempted it.
Overall, the suicide rate among teens has climbed in the past few years, from 6.3% in 2009 to 7.8% in 2011, numbers which reflect the trend gaining national attention as more teen suicides are reported as a result of bullying.
20% of high schoolers said they'd been bullied while at school, and 16% said they'd been cyber bullied through email, chat, instant messaging, social media or text. ~ The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Another urgent issue I will be addressing is Human Trafficking/Sexual Slavery, the 2nd largest global organized crime. Girls as young as 5 years old are being exploited, our
daughters and sisters are the new commodity. Many of our missing are being trafficked. It's not going away if it's a 27.8 BILLION dollar a year industry. Mad yet? Keep reading.

What exactly is Sex Trafficking?

"A trafficking journey typically involves deception, rape, beatings, and constant threats, victims are often forced to live in confining and unsanitary conditions. Once formally put to work, human trafficking victims can be forced to service from 40 to 110 customers in one day1. Malnutrition, sleep deprivation, as well as emotional and physical abuse become part of the day-to-day routine. In addition to the abuse, forced abortions and the contraction of STD's, Hepatitis B and C, and AIDS are ever looming probabilities. Life for a victim of sex trafficking is hell on earth". ~ The a21 Campaign
Here's what's going on in my backyard:


Fact- Atlanta Magazine named the city of Atlanta as "Sex City", the capital of sexual exploitation in the U.S.
Fact- Atlanta is known as the number one hub of human trafficking and child sex exploitation in the United States.
Fact- Instead of traveling to Thailand to have sex with a child, men are traveling to Atlanta. They are picked up at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport by a pimp who takes them to have sex with a child sex slave. They are then dropped back at the airport and fly back home to have dinner with their family the same night.

The Atlanta Human Trafficking Project

Wishing You Love ~n Peace,
Concerned Hippie Chick ☮❥

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